Reclamation projects to help the BLM with re-vegetation of the forest, by replanting native plants within the forest in areas that have been disturbed by off-road use, fire, drought, or other activities or incidents that have compromised the landscape.

Cleanup projects, such as large trash dumps, and the general trash pick-up throughout the forest.
We work with the BLM to maintain roads and trails to discourage and decrease people's impact on the fragile eco-system in the forest.

Monthly monitoring of the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest
- Monitoring for trash within the forest and picking up what we run across or schedule an event if the trash dump is large.
- Identify illegal roads within the forest which can have a huge impact on the health of the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest. Compaction of the soil caused by such roads will prevent important nutrients from entering the soil, causing stress and eventual death of the Joshua Trees.

- File a monthly report with the BLM documenting the hours for volunteers; this is important and very helpful in our efforts to secure funding. It will also be useful in building our clout with decision-makers and opinion-leaders from the most local level up to the administration.
- Photography is an important tool in documenting the plants, birds, and animals within the forest (many of which are endangered or found only in Joshua Tree Forests), the use of the forest for recreation, and the historic sites within the forest. This photographic evidence will help us lobby for further protection of the forest
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Being an advocate for the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest is an important part of what we do. We write letters to decision-makers, respond to newspaper and other media articles, write letters to the editor on key issues, and educate the public on important matters concerning the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest.